Global Quarterly Report Feed from GlobalGiving

Join us for a quick walk through quarterly reports spanning years of service!

This post is a feed that comes directly from our GlobalGiving global profile which helps us generate donations, sometimes with matching funds, and always with reports on what this funding helps us accomplish. There are more photos and captions on their platform, so if you want to see it all, click a report headline, or follow links in a report to see the latest news.

Thank you!

NYC Quarterly Report Feed from GlobalGiving

Join us for a quick walk through quarterly reports on our climate-related work in New York City!

This post is a feed that comes directly from our local GlobalGiving profile which helps us generate donations, sometimes with matching funds, and always with reports on what this funding helps us accomplish. There are more photos on their platform, so if you want to see it all, click a report headline, or follow links in a report to see the latest news.

Thank you!


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